Company details:
Domicile - Zurich, Switzerland.
Legal structure - AG, no subsidiaries;
Incorporation year - 2015;
Paid-in share capital - CHF150'000;
Regulatory status -VQF SRO approved member;
Transition into new financial regulations started (new entities are subject to full application procedure with FINMA). Member of the Swiss Finance Ombudsman office;
Authorization - Asset
(portfolio) management, financial intermediary, Robo-Advisor;
Onboarding - Online customer identification and interaction with the broker; A new video-identification system;
Market access (brokerage) - Valid agreement with Interactive Brokers (custody);
Robo-advisory platform - Developed and designed own Robo-advisory system, recognized by reviews in the European press. Frontend/Backend updated, iOS application published;
Employees - director (AML officer) and secretary;
Balance sheet - CHF150'000 CHF under management with 8 investors. Three new contracts are in the final stage.