Our attorneys make it a priority to publish news and legislative updates that have a direct bearing on our client’s business interests. This includes information on
Swiss tax matters, immigration and work
permits, as well as dealings with the
Trade/Commercial Register and the
Debt Enforcement Office (Betreibungsamt). We also provide guidance on Swiss company formations, the
establishing of foundations (Stiftungen) and associations (Vereine), and the procedures for corporate liquidation and
bank accounts.
Because we specialize in financial regulation, we offer extensive insights into the operations of
FINMA (the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) and SECO (the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs). In doing so, we regularly address the process for obtaining licenses related to financial intermediation (brokers, collective investment schemes, asset managers, trusts, insurance companies) and specialized work
authorizations for employment agencies, hotel management, and even taxi services.
Swiss legislation is in constant flux as the country endeavours to align with global taxation and financial regulation trends (we remember the disappearance of the
Swiss Holding Companies tax regime), ensuring there is always new material to explore.
Although some of our updates date back to 2015–2018—and much of that content, such as articles on conducting
ICOs in Switzerland or establishing crypto ventures in the Crypto Valley of Zug, may be outdated—these pieces remain of considerable interest from both a historical and regulatory perspective.